Post by easyeight on Dec 22, 2021 17:45:30 GMT
Greetings all, I've been collaborating with some awesome 3D artists to produce 1/56th 3D print files of the Gear Krieg Weird War 2 combat mecha (from DreamPod 9). These vehicles and some more background info from DP9 will be in the NUTS War Without End update, along with content for DUST (with permission from Paolo Parentes), giving players a couple of established settings and figures to game with using NUTS. Super brief background - in the Gear Krieg 'verse J.W. Christie bent his creative engineering skills to developing the first "Walking Chassis" instead of the Christie tank chassis that revolutionized tank design. So in this Weird world, experimental combat mecha first saw action during the Spanish Civil War and then broadly during WW2. Here's what a US mech looks like -- they can also convert between Driving mode for rapid mobility, to Walking mode for rough terrain and to do pop-up attacks. sbminisguy.wordpress.com/2021/11/04/1-56th-scale-gear-krieg-weird-war-2-walkers-on-the-north-ridge/Here's the stat cards for the core combat mechs used by the US and Germans in the Gear Krieg WW2 setting (too big to post here). sbminisguy.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/gearkrieg-vehicle-cards-for-nuts.pdf
Post by infierno on Dec 22, 2021 18:31:03 GMT
These are awesome, I like the Drive mode on the US walkers. Seems way more practical than most "weird war" designs I see
Post by easyeight on Dec 22, 2021 22:14:55 GMT
Here's the Longstreet in driving mode: